Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Is it More Than Lactose?

My little L has had tummy issues since the beginning.  I had to stop breast feeding her at 6 weeks because everything was making her sick.  She had to go on alimentum with rice as well as a prescription for her reflux.

The conclusion was she was lactose intolerant.  Over the years there were times when we thought maybe she had outgrown it but sure enough regular cows milk sent her into one of two directions; total constipation or the total opposite way.

We are now revisiting at all of this.  Why?  Over the last month or two she has had numerous accidents.  Accidents that she misjudges.  Accidents that she thinks is just gas.  The pain has created a little girl who does everything she can to avoid going to the potty because she knows there is a high possibility that it will be severely painful.

This, no doubt, has lead to constipation and cramping and, of course, many tears.

At 3, I tell her, "you cannot have milk or cheese, no gold fish or yogurt" and so on and she remembers.  If someone tries to give it to her she simply says, "I can't have that.  It will hurt my tummy." 

There is a serious problem when a young child will forgo her favorite foods because she knows what the end result will most likely be.

We've decided to cut out all dairy and see if this will help her.  Initially we only cut out straight dairy like ice cream, milk or cheese.  We did allow her certain foods that did not contain lactose like goat cheese, mozzarella and yogurt.   But now we are giving that all up including anything that obviously has dairy like cheese nips or gold fish.  
We will see how this goes and maybe step it up to anything with milk like cupcakes, breads etc.

Any other ideas?  Suggestion?  It is breaking my heart watching her in so much pain.

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